These weekend series are the beginnings of artistic and scientific discovery through the lens of exploration and photography of Paris: both the secular and sacred. Rather than be long paragraphs explaining historical content or todays reflections, this will rather be a place in which creation begins or a forum for intra-personal proactive discussion.
Series 1| Le Weekend d'Inspiration
Poetry and Photography
by: Sidney Chuckas
Caverns of Limestone
Perspectives bordered in lantern light
Monuments crawling towards the heavens
on curved surfaces in mighty
Strokes like the paintbrush of a busker.
Never understanding and
never knowing what sacred God
could ever do such a sinful thing,
but the thing is a sacred God is only as perfect
as their maker, the people that worship.
Bowed down on red knees to
proclaim their undying love for
someone who could not even be
and the sky grows cold and
they fear that they have angered someone
or something,
or him
but in the pain and the doubtfulness
they still erect cathedral after
cathedral of limestone
whose steeples crawl towards the heaveans
like the paintbrush strokes of a busker.
They are marvelous
They are marveled
They are intimidating
yet protect the intimidated
They are them
and they are me
They are limeston
and they are we
who through the erection of monument after monument
crawl our way to the heavens like paint strokes.